I've received a letter from Dallas Central Appraisal District about Taxes Print

  • colocation, datacenter, tax, dcad
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** We have not been in Dallas county for several years now, so you should no longer be getting anything from them for current or recent tax years. **

As a company previously located within the boundaries of the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD), VIRTBIZ Internet Services was required to comply with Section 22.04(a) of the Texas Property Tax Code.   We receive instructions from the Chief Appraiser each January to file a report listing the name and address of each owner of property located in our facility as of January 1.   These same instructions are sent to every datacenter and colocation service provider in Dallas and service providers are legally obliged to comply within 30 days of DCADs request.

VIRTBIZ will comply with a reasonable and legal request from DCAD.  Taken directly from DCADs instructions, the following information is requested:

  1. They physical address of the facility where the equipment is stored
  2. Owner's name and mailing address
  3. Description of equipment (i.e. switching equipment, routers, fiber optic cabling, etc.)
  4. Length of time stored or in use at (the) facility

The information that VIRTBIZ provides to DCAD includes:

  1. Company name & contact person from the customer account record
  2. Mailing address from the customer account record.
  3. General description of installation (see below for more information)
  4. Length of time the customer has colocated with us.

The information that we provide with regard to a description of a customer's installation is very general in nature.   For instance, if a customer has 2 servers, that is all the information we report.   If the customer has a 1/2 rack or a full rack installation, we report only the rack allocation, and not the equipment that is stored within that space.  We do not provide a detailed inventory of the equipment.  In addition, our facilities have never been toured or inspected by DCAD staff members.   We make no attempt to estimate value or provide any information as to an asset list.  Therefore, the information that DCAD receives is very general in nature.

Please note that the Business Personal Property tax is separate from and unrelated to a sales tax that we are required to levy on Texas residents for services that are provided.

We are not tax professionals and therefore cannot offer specific advice to customers who are in receipt of DCAD notices.  However, we are able to offer general information based upon our experience and feedback that we have received from our customers.

  • Your initial "Notice of Appraised Value" for your business personal property is likely to be unreasonably high.   We understand that DCAD will often use a value at the top of the range for their initial assessment.  This seems to be a strategy so that recipients of the notice will respond and arrive at a more reasonable figure.  For example, we have been told that one customer received a tax assessment for a single server in excess of $80,000.00.
  • If you feel the value that DCAD has arrived at is unreasonable, we encourage you to make contact with DCAD staff.  Our experience indicates DCAD staff is pleasant and reasonable to work with, and most issues can be resolved with a phone call.   The DCAD Business Personal Property Division can be reached at 214-905-0908.

Please keep in mind that VIRTBIZ does not make up the rules regarding the state Tax Code. We are merely required to follow the rules, as are all other legitimate colocation service providers in Texas.  We will make every effort to assist our customers if they have special requests from us, but bear in mind that we are unable to intercede directly with DCAD on your account.  If you have specific questions regarding a notice you have received from DCAD we encourage you to contact them directly for assistance.

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